Stonecoated vs Metrocopo Roofing sheets



Choosing a roofing material or sheets that cover necessities like durability, aesthetics, and longevity, could be a dilemma. 

Considering the several roofing materials at our disposal in this time and age, ranging from step-tiles to aluminum, and zinc, you may be at a loss on which to pick. 

Picking from the pool of roofs to use, in this blog post we will hone the light on Stone-coated and Metrocopo. Hence showing you an in-depth difference between Metrocopo and Stone-coated Roof.

I’ll guide you on which of these roofs to use: Stone-coated(Gerard/ Stone-tiles) or Metrocopo. We will look at the pros and cons and you’ll get to know which roof suits you best.

But, if you are still confused about the factors you need to consider when choosing a roofing material, we’ve got you covered with this blog post: Nine factors to consider when choosing a  roofing material

Let’s get started, shall we?

Table of Content

  • A quick table highlighting the differences between Stone-coated and Metrocopo
  • Introduction to stone-coated roofing sheet
  • Advantages of stone-coated roofing sheet
  • Disadvantages of stone-coated roofing sheet
  • Introduction to Metrocopo roofing sheet
  • Advantages of Metrocopo roofing sheet 
  • Disadvantages of Metrocopo roofing sheet
  • Wrapping up

For a quick overview, here’s a table displaying the differences, highlighting the pros and cons of both Stone-coated and Metrocopo

Stone-coated Vs Metrocopo

It is deficient in thermal insulation Provides thermal Insulation (very ideal for homes and individuals living close to the equator)
Provides several designs to choose from. Designs such as Roman, Milano, and others It’s mono-designed. This means it doesn’t provide a wide range of designs to choose from, just colors.
It requires skilled professionals to install. This means it’s complex to install. It’s easier to install
It has diverse aesthetics It has simple aesthetics

Introduction to Stone-coated Roof

Aside from the name stone-coated, you could also call this roof: stone-tiles or Gerard roof. 

The distinguishing factor about stone-coated roofs is their beauty. If you’ve ever stopped to admire a rocky, beautiful roof, a roof whose beauty is not subdued by dust, there’s a high chance that you’re staring at stone-coated. 

Stone-coated roofs or stone-tiles are made from aluminized zinc-plated steel, giving it a long durability of 50-70 years– and sometimes for centuries. It’s coated with stone chips that give it a very beautiful appearance.

Research shows that stone-coated roofs became popular in 700 BC and were used by kings. You can understand why it was appealing to royalties, stone- tiles carry an ambiance of beauty, giving your home a befitting aesthetic appeal.

The plus side of stone-coated roofs is that they come in different types.

We have the following: Shingle design, Roman design, Milano, classic design, and flat sheet.

Let’s look into these types.

The different types/designs of stone-coated roof


Types of stone-coated roofs

Shingle design

Shingle design

The beauty of the shingle design is the overlapping of the stone-coats. Due to the small size, it allows for customization and precision in the roof contours. It gives houses an overall beautiful appearance.

Types of Stone-coated roofs 

Roman design

The Roman design has a curved tile. The curve which could be barrel-shaped or gentle shape gives it a distinct aesthetic feature. The curve also helps in channeling water, it prevents water damage to your home. 

In addition to its curvature, it also has an interlocking system that further emphasizes a good water channel.

Types of stone-coated roofs


Milano design

The Milano design is also known as the Mediterranean design. Staying true to its second name it offers a warmth and timeless appeal. One of the distinguishing factors of the Milano design is that it’s large. Unlike the shingle design, the Milano design is large and it affords reduced labor cost and time, helping you save money in the end.

Classic design

Stone-coated vs metcoppo

Classic design

The classic design of a stone-coated roof is made from natural elements such as slate, clay, or limestone. These natural elements give the classic design an antique/rustic look. It also has an easy Installation process, as compared to other designs.

Stone-coated vs Metcoppo Bond Stone-coated roofing Sheet

Bond design

One of the distinguishing factors of the bond design is its structural strength. When compared to other stone-coated designs that depend on each other to stay strong, bond design has better structural strength. 

This is because the interlocking system gives it a stronger and more cohesive covering, hence, it’s not susceptible to displacement.

Taking a look at the last design but not the least design, let’s consider

Stone-coated vs metcoppo roof


Flat sheet

The flat sheet design gives a contemporary look. Due to its rectangular structure that is atheistically pleasing, it doesn’t give the regular traditional look that other stone-coated design gives. 

Another benefit of it is it is easy to install. 

The stone-coated roofs are hard to install, but this particular design is easy due to its largeness.

As we stated above, the stone-coated roof has historical relevance and all the design types offer this. Now, let’s move to the advantages.

Advantages of stone-coated or Gerard roof 

Long-time life span

One of the exciting advantages of stone-coated roofs is the long life span. Unlike roofs like asphalts and shingles that have a life span of 20 years, stone-coated roofs have a minimum life span of 50 years, and a maximum of centuries as we stated above. 

This long life expectancy is enough to choose stone-coated or stone-tile roofs, especially if you’re considering quality over everything.

Aesthetics appeal

If your goal in building a home isn’t quality alone, but quality and beauty, best believe that stone-coated are the best roof to use. 

As we stated above, given the several designs of stone-coated, one consistent feature of all designs is their beauty.

 Stone-coated/Stone-tiles roofs are modern, antique, rustic, and beautiful all depending on the design you pick.

Here is a table below highlighting the different types of aesthetic appeal each design gives

The different types of stone-coated roofs and the appeal they give

Roman design Traditional aesthetics
Milano design Mediterranean aesthetics appeal
Classic design Traditional aesthetics appeal
Bond design Traditional aesthetics appeal
Flat-sheet design Sleek and modern appeal

Depending on the vibe and look you want for your home, you could choose any of the stone-coated designs. Going further, let’s explore other advantages of stone-coated roofs.

High resistance to natural disasters

Stone-coated roofs aren’t just beauty and beauty. 

They’re also strong in addition to their beauty. It has been shown that stone-coated roofs are highly resistant to hail, storms, winds, and fire. 

Have you ever seen a roof uprooted by hail? 

It’s always not pretty! 

It will lead to an incur of unplanned spending, and let’s not get started with the danger and threats to life. 

The stone-coated roof helps to prevent all these due to the aluminum and metal steel it’s made from. These elements that make up the stone-coated roof give it forbearance against natural disasters.


Another advantage of stone-coated roofs is that they require little to no maintenance. Unlike asphalt and shingles or even aluminum are prone to denting, which will incur an additional fee. The stone-coated roof requires little to no maintenance.

Let’s proceed to the disadvantages of stone-coated roofs because there are always two sides to a coin.

Disadvantages of Stone-coated Roof

Expensive to install

One of the major disadvantages of stone-coated roofs is that it’s expensive. When compared to regular roofs like aluminum, step-tile roofs are expensive. Due to the light-weightedness of the stone-coated roof, it may require an additional wooden structure which may incur more expenses. 

Furthermore, stone-coated roofs or Gerard roofs are expensive when compared to regular roofs. 

Complexity in Installation and repair

Another downside of using stone-coated roofs is that they are confusing to install. Due to the intricate details of the stone chips, some workers may find it confusing to install the stone-coated roof. This is also synonymous if there’s a need for repair. The complexity can confuse workers.

Deficit in Thermal Insulation

Another disadvantage of stone-coated roofs is that they don’t provide a system of insulation as compared to other roofing systems.

Let’s dive into Metrocopo roof

Introduction to Metrocopo Roof

Stone-coated vs metcoppo


Metrocopo roof is a type of roof that resonates well with individuals living close to the equator, which means regions susceptible to high temperatures. Metrocopo roofs can reflect and resist corrosion.

 It’s made from pre-painted galvanized steel or aluminum.

Metrocopo roofs provide long-term durability, longevity, and thermal Insulation. This makes it ideal for regions prone to heat.

Advantages of Metrocopo roofing sheets

High-resistance to rusting

The elements that make up the Metrocopo roofing sheets, that is the galvanized steel coated with zinc or just pure aluminium , make Metrocopo highly resistant to corrosion and rusting. This inevitably adds to the value of your home in terms of beauty and monetary value if you’re considering resale. Metrocopo is said to last for 50 years and more.

Provides thermal insulation

Another core advantage of Metrocopo roofing sheets over stone-coated roofs is that its roofing system provides thermal insulation. What this means is that your home or building will be less susceptible to heat, and it is ideal if you’re living in a hot region.

Another advantage of Metrocopo is

Easy installation

Unlike stone-coated roofs that are complex in installation, metrocopo roofing materials are quite easy to install. Due to its lightweight, Metrocopo proves itself easy to install. There’s no gluing of stone chips that may confuse labourers.

Resilient in the face of harsh situations

Metrocopo roofing sheets are also durable and strong. It also has a life span of 50 years. Aside from the durability of metrocopo, it’s also resistant to harsh weather, hail, and storms. 

Another core benefit is the cost-effectiveness of Metrocopo. In contrast to step-tiles, it has a more friendly budget.

Let’s proceed to the disadvantages of Metrocopo roofing sheets

Disadvantages of Metrocopo roofing sheets

Limited design options

One of the disadvantages of a metrocopo roof is its limitation in design. Though on a certain level, it’s atheistically appealing, it can’t be compared to stone-coated roofs which gives a wide range of options to choose from.

It’s prone to noise

Another pitfall associated with metrocopo is that when rain falls, it makes loud noises. This can be uncomfortable for you if you love peace and quietness.

Its durability isn’t as high as the stone-coated roof

As we stated above, metrocopo has a lifespan of about 50 years, but when compared to stone-coated roofs, its durability isn’t that high. Stone-coated roofs can last for centuries and decades while metrocopo lasts about 50 years.

Wrapping up

Choosing between these two roofs depends on what you aim to achieve: if you want a durable roofing system with historical vibes, you could choose a stone-coated roof, but if you’re going for simple aesthetics you could consider Metrocopo.

To round up in a few sentences:

Advantages of stone-coated/stone-tile roof over metrocopo

  • It’s more atheistically pleasing
  • It has longer durability as compared to metrocopo.
  • It has a wide range of designs to pick from

Advantages of Metrocopo over stone-coated roof

  • It’s more budget-friendly as compared to step-tile roofs.
  • Easy to install
  • Requires less structural weight as compared to the step-tile roof ( this means it works with any simple building, as opposed to the stone-coated roof that requires additional structure)
  • It has thermal insulation.

As stated above, your choice will be based on what you truly desire to give your home. To install both Metrocopo and stone-coated roofs, get started with Ide Roofing today at very reasonable prices

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Ruth Toluwase Bamidele
Bamidele Ruth is a writer who loves to write, read, and think. In her spare time she reads!


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