Budget for a two-bedroom flat.




Roofing a house is an intricate part of building a house. While digging the foundation is of utmost importance, roofing a house is likewise important. Roofing your 2-bedroom bungalow involves considering these: the region or area you stay, the type of design of your two-bedroom bungalow, the cost of labor, the kind of roof to use, and many others we will see as we proceed.

But, firstly, let’s see the advantages of roofing your house. 

Benefits of roofing your 2-bedroom bungalow.

Safety of you and your family

One of the most important reasons to roof your 2-bedroom bungalow is for safety. Roofing your house protects your home and family from external dangers like hail storms, rain, wind, and sunlight; and of course, you should never stay in a house where the roof is not in place.

Another core advantage of roofing your two-bedroom bungalow is

Increases your home value

If you’re thinking of selling your house shortly, one of the things to set in place is to install a roof. This will increase the aesthetic vibe of your home and make it more homely, but not only that, it increases the price tag of your home.

Insulation and Energy efficiency

As we’ve discussed above, insulating your home is one of the greatest advantages of roofing your home. But, aside from the insulation, the advantage of energy efficiency stands. When the roofs are installed, they play a major role in maintaining a good climate in the home.

Having seen the advantages of roofing your house, now moving on, let’s see how to set up a budget for a two-bedroom bungalow apartment. 

How to budget for a two-bedroom bungalow.

  • Estimate costs well
  • Consider the area of your house
  • Consider the type of roof to use
  • Consider labor and cost
  • Calculate the roof area

Estimate costs well

One of the key points in budgeting for a roof or budgeting for anything is estimating cost. You can do this by collating the price of materials in the market and you should consider overestimating the prices of things a little, so you don’t fall short of funds when spending. You should estimate the price of roofs, nails, laborers, and even miscellaneous fees like transportation and the feeding of your workers. 

Also, you should get multiple quotes from several roofing companies to get their rough estimate, so you can compare and contrast.


Consider the area of your house

Another factor to consider when roofing your two-bedroom bungalow is where your house is situated. For example in Nigeria, a rural area like Mushin in Lagos, roofing a two-bedroom bungalow may be quite cheaper than a more exotic and urban area like Lekki. You need to take into consideration your localization when roofing your two-bedroom bungalow. 

Consider the type of roof to use

Roofing a house all boils down to a roof, so you must consider the type of roof to use. There are several roofs you can use for a two-bedroom room bungalow. We have the aluminum roof, we have the stone-coated roof, we also have the zinc roof.  Here are some of the roofs and their properties in depth. 

Here’s a table summarizing different roofs and their properties.


Their properties 

Aluminum roof

It lasts for 50 years and has different designs.

Zinc roof

It lasts for 100 years and is not resistant to corrosion.

Gable roof

It lasts for 40 years and has a good drainage system.


It lasts for 50-70 years and it’s aesthetically pleasing.


How to budget a two-bedroom flat.

The aluminum roof is a metal roof with a lifespan of 50 years. It’s mostly used in coastal areas; it’s durable, convenient to install, and has three designs and formats. It has the aluminum long-span, the aluminum step-tiles, and the metrcoppo. The aluminum long span isn’t aesthetically pleasing, but the other two are.

Advantages of aluminum

  • It’s convenient to install. 
  • It’s durable.
  • It’s recyclable. 
  • It’s lightweight.
  • It’s sustainable.
  • It’s compatible with harsh weather.

Disadvantages of aluminum 

  • It’s expensive.
  • It’s prone to dent.
  • It’s prone to thermal expansion.
  • It can be noisy.

Moving forward, let’s see the stone-coated roof.



The stone-coated roof is one of the most beautiful roofs on planet earth with a lifespan of 50-70 years. It has several designs and it gives a royal look, as research shows that the stone-coated roof was used by kings in 700 BC. There are five designs of stone-coated roofs: Shingle design, Roman design, Milano, classic design, and bond sheet.

Advantages of stone-coated roofs

  • It’s aesthetically pleasing
  • It’s durable 
  • It’s a fire-resistant roof
  • It’s a low-maintenance roof 
  • It’s eco-friendly 

Disadvantages of stone-coated roofs

  • It’s not cost-effective 
  • It has lots of weight and may incur more costs during transportation 
  • It’s complex to install


The Zinc roof is a type of metal roof, it’s durable too, but easily changes its outward appearance when exposed to corrosion and oxidation. It has a lifespan of 100 years. It is also not as aesthetically pleasing as roofs like the stone-coated roof. 

Advantages of Zinc roof

  • Long lifespan
  • It’s a low-maintenance roof
  • It’s lightweight
  • It’s flexible and can be easily molded. 

Disadvantages of Zinc roof

  • It’s temperature-sensitive 
  • It’s complex to install 
  • It rusts when oxidized 
  • It’s prone to noise.

Gable roofs 

The gable roof is a roof with one flat end called the gable. We have different types of gable roofs: open gable, box gable, cross gable. The gable roof protects from wind and dust, but it doesn’t protect from heavy wind. It lasts about 40 years.

Advantages of gable roofs

  • It’s durable.
  • It has effective drainage.
  • The ventilation is good.
  • It has a simple construction. 

Disadvantages of gable roofs

  • It requires high maintenance.
  • It doesn’t have high wind-resistance

Consider labor and cost

While setting up a budget for roofing a two-bedroom bungalow, you must consider the laborers who help in the installation of  the roof. Also, you must look for good installers who know the nitty-gritty of the kind of roof you’re installing.  Take, for instance, it’s more complex to install a stone-coated roof, and it requires paying attention to the intricate details while installing. You don’t want to pay half-baked installers whose work won’t last the test of time. Consider getting good installers that are affordable.

Calculate the roof area

The last but not the least detail to put in place while budgeting for your two-bedroom bungalow is taking into consideration the design of your home, and calculating the roof area of your house. There’s a simple calculator here at Ide Roofing to do that, it takes into consideration the building measurement on both length and breadth along the valley, gutter, and cladding, among many others.


In conclusion, estimating right is the proof of getting on steady grounds for budgeting a 2-bedroom bungalow. So, ensure to estimate the budget for all you need. Click on the link to get a quote for the roofing system.

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Ruth Toluwase Bamidele
Bamidele Ruth is a writer who loves to write, read, and think. In her spare time she reads!

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